

Patchrock Patchrock is a label, booking and touring production agency, creator of the music festival « Les Embellies » and also making scenography for event and artistic place, Patchrock has many activities. Since 1996 we love to share ours talents without border. We...
Show Me The Sound

Show Me The Sound

Show Me The Sound Show Me The Sound is a production structure created in 2010. We support contemporary music projects but also street arts and live performance companies. We defend the idea that the crossing of the artistic fields allows to create bridges between the...
Swello Prod

Swello Prod

Swello Prod Founded in 2014, Swello is an association based in southern Brittany next to the city of Vannes.For nearly 10 years, the team has been working to develop regional artists with a view to national and international outreach.Historically identified as a...