Yes Basketball

Yes Basketball, with frontman Pierre Marolleau, is now a three piece band, thanks to the addition of Yoann Buffeteau (Montgomery) and Jeremy Rouault (Bumpkin Island).
Impossible to chose between the impulsive fury of its « weird» hip hop roots and the urgency of its spicy post-punk influences, it’s a blend of all, wrapped up in pop and RnB vocal harmonies. As you follow this journey full of setbacks, you’ll test your sanity, feeling at times wise, at times bleak, and also hopefull and luminous.
A vital need to explode, to submit to our deep need for expression.
Presented by

Gwénaëlle TROADEC
+33 (0)6 62 83 11 96
Glaz Music : Welcome to Bretagne 2024
→ Trans Musicales Thursday 5 december |